SubNanosecond Arithmetic

SNAP: the Stanford Nanosecond Arithmetic Processor

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grants No. MIP 88-22961 and 93-13701. "Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation."


Some Accomplishments:

  1. Addition in less than 1 nsec (1990) [BSD88]
  2. Multiplication in less than 5 nsec (1993) [Bewick94]
  3. Wave pipelined arithmetic units and vector processors with 5x improved cycle times [Nowka95]
  4. Floating Point Add
  5. Floating Point Multiply
  6. Floating Point Divide
  7. Basic functions - Rapid approximations to basic functions using partial product tree of a multiplier [Schwarz93]
  8. FUPA - Floating point unit performance-area index and application to state of the art. [FQF95]

A 100Mhz multiplier clocked at 650Mhz using wave pipelining. A 16b piece of a multiplier (MAGIC layout) used in optimization study.


1. FUPA tool, which predicts area and delay for particular floating point unit implementations.

2. Floating Point Divider Designer , which automatically generates the contents of the central table for SRT division algorithms.

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