I had the pleasure of teaching at different locations and different levels in the past. Each place had its own system for the number of "semesters" per year and for their start dates. In the following list, by "Autumn" I mean a class that starts around September and by "Winter" a class that starts around January.

University level classes

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Class Time
Advanced Computer Arithmetic (graduate class) Winter 2006
Advanced Computer Architecture (graduate class) Autumn 2005
Digital Circuits and Systems (tutorials) Autumn 2005
Cairo University, Egypt
Class Time
Electronics and Instrumentations Labs Winter 2004, 2005
Arithmetic Circuits (graduate class) Autumn 2003, 2004
Technical English (graduate class) Autumn 2003, 2004
Operating Systems (tutorials) Autumn 1995, 1996
Stanford University, USA
Class Time
Advanced Computer Arithmetic (graduate class, tutorials) Winter 2003
American University in Cairo, Egypt
Class Time
Digital Logic Design Lab Winter 2005

Short courses

National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences, Egypt
On-Board Computer Systems, new employees training, June 2004.
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