Some  NEW  CODES  related to modified capital equipment rules:

 > New
 > GL Code  Purpose - see "capital equipment" memo for details
 > -------  ---------------------------------------------------------
 > 94661    Special purpose equipment (used for research, medical,
 >          scientific, instructional or other technical activities)
 >          costing $500 to $1499 that would  have been capitalized in
 >          the past.
 > 94662    General purpose equipment costing $500 to $1499 that would
 >          have been capitalized in the past.
 > 94663    Fabrications costing $1000 to $1499 that would have been
 >          capitalized in the past.
 > These GL codes are to be used **ONLY** on sponsored project accounts.
                                             ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^

(Also see the A-21 guidelines for codes prohibited 
 to sponsored funds.)

11 WED.  03/26/97             CHART OF ACCOUNTS                         Page 1



+                                          ........................940XX

           Other Teaching & Research - Nonstudent..................9411X
           Other Teaching & Research - Student.....................9412X
           Professional - Nonstudent...............................94130/143
           Research Assistants - Graduate Students.................94144/149
           Technical Staff - Nonstudent............................94150/164
           Other Technical - Student...............................94166/167
           Secretarial & Clerical - Nonstudent.....................94170/173
           Secretarial & Clerical - Student........................94174/179
           Administrative - Nonstudent.............................9418X

+                ..................................................94200

           Maintenance - General...................................9430X
           Building & Systems Repair & Maintenance.................9431X/32X
           Landscape & Grounds.....................................94335/350
           Paved Areas & Outdoor Structures........................94351/356
           Furniture & Equipment Repair & Maintenance..............9436X

           Building & Land Improv - Capital and Noncapital
                    Construction Projects Use Only.................9440X/41X &
           Capital Equipment - Stanford Owned......................9442X/43X
           Capital Equipment - Not Stanford Owned..................9444X
           Library Acquisitions - Stanford Owned...................9445X

+        ..........................................................9453X

           Employee Related Expenses...............................9459x/60X
           Material & Miscellaneous................................9461X/62X
           Other Costs.............................................9467X/69X

+                          ........................................9458X
+                                    ..............................947XX
+                                         .........................948XX
+                ..................................................94980
+              ....................................................94990
11 WED.  03/26/97               CHART OF ACCOUNTS                          Page 2

                                                             SECTION 11 - EXPENSE



   <.B+>Why is it important to distinguish between allowable and unallowable

   One of the most important considerations in coding an expense is whether the
   expense is allowable for reimbursement by the federal government.  Those who
   are accustomed to administering sponsored projects accounts have traditionally
   thought of "allowability" in the context of direct costs, that is, whether
   those costs are allowable under the specific terms of the grant or contract.
   In past years, administrators of Operating Budget or gift accounts generally
   did not have to concern themselves with this issue to the same extent.
   Beginning fiscal year 1991-92, our method for removing unallowable indirect
   costs from the federal government will change.  This change requires that
   everyone who submits any type of financial transaction must be more familiar
   with the rules for allowability of costs in order to properly code all
   transactions.  It is crucial that we correctly apply the new procedures to the
   University's financial transactions to comply with our obligations to the
   federal government.  Our ability to obtain federal grants and contracts as
   well as to collect indirect costs on these grants and contracts is dependent
   upon our performance in meeting federal requirements.  In other words, we must
   understand the distinction between allowable and unallowable costs and select
   the appropriate University accounts and general ledger expense codes whenever
   we record University expenses.

   <.B+>What do we mean by "allowable" and "unallowable" and how can you tell the

   Certain expenses that are appropriate expenditures of University funds are
   ineligible for reimbursement by the federal government.  These costs are
   UNALLOWABLE for federal cost reimbursement purposes. This is the meaning of
   UNALLOWABLE as used in this document.  Note that these expenses may be
   permitted under University policy and may be entirely valid and appropriate,
   it is just that the federal government will not allow us to claim them as
   direct or indirect costs of federally sponsored projects.  Because we cannot
   claim these costs, we must record them in such a way to be sure that they do
   not fall into one of the pools of indirect costs that are reimbursed and that
   they are not charged directly to a federal government grant or contract.  IT

   <.B+>What defines allowable and unallowable? <.B->

   The federal Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-21 defines the
   standards for cost accounting in colleges and universities.  A-21 and other
   federal regulations define what is allowable and unallowable.

                                                              94000   -     94000

11 WED.  03/26/97               CHART OF ACCOUNTS                          Page 3

                                                             SECTION 11 - EXPENSE

   <.B+>What costs are specifically unallowable? <.B->

   Costs are specifically unallowable under two general conditions:

   1) they are for an unallowable ACTIVITY (something you do and record using an
      account), or
   2) they are for an unallowable OBJECT (something you buy, a line item general
      ledger code).

   <.B+>Specifically Unallowable Activities:<.B->

      Organized fund raising
      Commencement and Convocation are only allowable when charged to
         function 5 account (Student Services)
      General public relations and alumni activities
      Certain student activities, e.g., intramural activities, student clubs,
      Managing investments solely to enhance income
      Prosecuting claims against the federal government
      Defending of prosecuting certain criminal, civil or administrative
      Housing and personal living expenses of university officers
      Selling or marketing of goods or services (does not include selling goods
         or services internal to the University by its service centers)

   All expenses in support of these activities are unallowable.  Unallowable
   activities are generally recorded in separate accounts specifically designated
   for these purposes.  Allowable general ledger codes may be used with these
   unallowable activity accounts because the unallowable account will ensure that
   the transaction will not be charged to the government. The federal government
   will not reimburse us for these costs.  However, these activities may be
   entirely appropriate and permissible University activities.  In fact, many are
   necessary to our survival as a university!

   In addition to these activities, certain costs are always unallowable,
   regardless of the activity they support.  These costs are unallowable by
   object and are typically recorded in general ledger expense codes designed to
   segregate these costs from allowable costs.

   <.B+>Specifically Unallowable Objects:<.B->

      Advertising (certain types are allowable)
      Alcoholic beverages
      Fines and penalties
      Memorabilia, Promotional Materials (allowable if used for employee morale)
      Moving costs if employee resigns within 12 months
      Certain recruitment costs (e.g., color advertising)
      Certain travel costs (e.g., first class travel, trustee travel and
      Cash donations to other parties (such as donations to other universities)*

                                                              94000   -     94000

11 WED.  03/26/97               CHART OF ACCOUNTS                          Page 4

                                                             SECTION 11 - EXPENSE

      Costs in excess of University severance policy (Admin Guide Memo 22.8)
      Interest (except certain interest specifically coded as paid to outside
         parties and authorized by the Controller's Office)
      Memberships in civic, community or social organizations, or dining
         or country clubs**
      Goods and services for the personal use of employees, including
      Insurance against defects in Stanford's materials or workmanship

   *  Stanford may not make cash donations to other parties due to its nonprofit
   status. Small contributions in lieu of material goods for employee morale,
   health and welfare purposes are not considered  cash donations and should be
   coded using the General Ledger Code for employee morale, e.g, cash in lieu of
   flowers as a memorial.

   ** Certain of these items are not permitted by Stanford. See your
   Administrative Guide

   In the Chart of Accounts, codes that are unallowable or that may be confused
   with codes that are unallowable have been noted and cross-referenced.  Be sure
   to look at the cross-referenced codes and definitions of usage before deciding
   which code is most appropriate for recording a particular expense.

   In many cases the issue of determining whether a particular cost is allowable
   or unallowable is a complex matter.  When in doubt, consult with your local
   financial administrator.


                                                              94000   -     94000

11 WED.  03/26/97               CHART OF ACCOUNTS                          Page 5

                                                             SECTION 11 - EXPENSE

 2      GL CODE  TITLE                                   Definition of Code Usage

 + Designated Credits


   CREDITS TO EXPENSE:  The following codes are used to credit expense for sales
   of goods and services to other departments.  These codes are used mostly by
   service centers and function 9 clearing accounts.  Sales between departments
   are generally handled via a Transfer of Expense or an Interdepartmental
   Request form rather than by cash or check.  When a department receives cash,
   it may need to be recorded as income rather than as a credit to expense.

   Please refer to the Administrator's Toolkit, Section 2, "Budgets/Accounts" for
   a discussion of the issue of how to record the receipt of cash.

   For accounts that are not service centers, see 94670 (Charges to Other


         94001   Designated Credits           Credits for sales or services to
                                              other departments.  Used mainly by
                                              service organizations, function 9
                                              clearing accounts or allocation of
                                              administrative services.

         94002   Designated Credits           See definition for 94001.

         94003   Prior Year Balance           Controller's Office use only.

         94004   Sales                        Sales to other departments.  See
                                              Administrator's Toolkit, Tab 2,
                                              Budgets/Accounts, "Cash Receipts."

         94005   Payment Received             See Administrator's Toolkit, Tab 2,
                                              Budgets/Accounts, "Cash Receipts."

         94006   Designated Credits           See definition for 94001.

         94007   Designated Credits           See definition for 94001.

         94008   Designated Credits           See definition for 94001.

         94009   Designated Credits           See definition for 94001.

         94010   Designated Credits           See definition for 94001.

         94011   Designated Credits           See definition for 94001.

                                                              94000   -     94011

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                                                             SECTION 11 - EXPENSE

 2      GL CODE  TITLE                                   Definition of Code Usage

         94012   Payments Received By Rec     Controller's Office use only.

         94013   Designated Credits           See definition for 94001.

         94014   Overpayment Refunds by       Controller's Office use only
                     Recvbl Acctng

         94016   Program Income               For sponsored project use only.
                                              Program related income - to be
                                              separately reported.  See also
                                              Administrative Toolkit Tab 2,
                                              Budgets/Accounts, "Cash Receipts."


 1     FACULTY

         94100   Budget Faculty               Dean or Associate Dean.

         94101   Professor                    Tenure line.

         94102   Professor-Teaching           Non-tenure line.

         94103   Associate Professor          Tenure line.

         94104   Professor-Research           Research or applied research;
                                              non-tenure line.

         94105   Assistant Professor          Tenure line.

         94106   Associate Professor-         Non-tenure line.

         94107   Professor-Clinical           Non-tenure line.

         94108   Assoc/Asst Professor-        Research or applied research;
                     Research                 non-tenure line.

         94109   Assoc/Asst Professor-        Non-tenure line.


         94110   Budget Other

         94111   Acting Instructor

                                                              94012   -     94112

11 WED.  03/26/97               CHART OF ACCOUNTS                          Page 7

                                                             SECTION 11 - EXPENSE

 2      GL CODE  TITLE                                   Definition of Code Usage

         94112   Lecturer

         94114   Teaching Fellow

         94115   Teaching Assistant

         94116   Other Teaching               Course assistant, reader, grader.

         94117   Acting/Visiting/Consulting   Includes all acting, visiting or
                     Faculty                  consulting professors, associate
                                              professors, and assistant


         94120   Teaching Assistant-

         94121   Teaching Fellow-Graduate

         94122   Course Assistant-Graduate

         94123   Reader/Grader-Graduate

         94124   Resident Assistant-          Limited to use with 5-MBG accounts
                     Undergraduate            only.

         94125   Teaching Aid-Undergraduate

         94126   Work Study Teaching Asst-

         94127   Acting Instructor-Graduate

         94128   Resident Assistant-

         94129   Research Assistant-          Excluded from indirect cost.


         94130   Research Scientist           Senior research associate.

         94131   Librarian

         94132   Engineer                     Research engineers.

         94133   Editor

                                                              94112   -     94134

11 WED.  03/26/97               CHART OF ACCOUNTS                          Page 8

                                                             SECTION 11 - EXPENSE

 2      GL CODE  TITLE                                   Definition of Code Usage

         94134   Counselor

         94135   Other Professional           Accountants, lawyers, auditors.

         94136   Visiting Scientists

         94137   Research Associate

         94138   Scientific & Engineer

         94139   Physician Specialist

         94140   Programmer/Scientific

         94141   Research Assistant-Non-

         94142   Programmer/Other

         94143   Clinical Specialist


         94144   Research Assistant-

         94145   Predoctoral Rsch Fellow-

         94146   Predoctoral Rsch

         94147   Post-Doctoral Rsch

         94148   Research Asst-Work Study-

         94149   Predoc Rsch Fellow-Work


         94150   Computer Attendants and

         94151   Data Entry

         94152   Electronics Tech

                                                              94134   -     94152

11 WED.  03/26/97               CHART OF ACCOUNTS                          Page 9

                                                             SECTION 11 - EXPENSE

 2      GL CODE  TITLE                                   Definition of Code Usage

         94153   Laboratory Technician        Lab assistant, scientific assist.

         94155   Machinist

         94156   Other Technician             Technicians not otherwise

         94157   Research Technician

         94158   Solid State Tech

         94160   Tube Technician

         94162   Draftsman

         94163   Vacuum Technician

         94164   Operating                    Shop labor, equipment & vehicle


         94166   Other Technical-Graduate     Code 94126 is used for work study
                                              teaching assistants-Graduate.

         94167   Other Technical-Undergrad


         94170   Secretarial & Clerical-      Office machine operators,
                     Non-Student              messengers, bookkeepers, clerks,
                                              office assistants.

         94172   Library Assistant

         94173   Other                        Temporary secretarial & clerical


         94174   Work Study-Graduate

         94175   Secretarial & Clerical-      Student office machine operators,
                     Undergrad                messengers, bookkeepers, clerks,
                                              office assistants.

         94176   Secretarial & Clerical-

         94177   Work Study-Undergrad

                                                              94153   -     94177

11 WED.  03/26/97               CHART OF ACCOUNTS                         Page 10

                                                             SECTION 11 - EXPENSE

 2      GL CODE  TITLE                                   Definition of Code Usage

         94178   Library Asst-Undergrad

         94179   Library Assistant-Graduate


         94181   Executive

         94182   Director & Assistant

         94183   Manager & Assistant

         94184   Other Administrators         Supervisors, assistant supervisors,
                                              administrative assistants.


         94190   Vacation/Sick Leave          Lab time card system.

         94191   Prem Port of Salary          Premium portion of overtime pay, as
                                              calculated by the lab time card
                                              system. (OK for Plant use with 9VD#
                                              and 6SM#).

         94192   Pr Yr Sal Carried Forward    Controller's Office use only.

         94194   Accrued Vacation with        Non lab time card.
                     Employee Trsfr

         94195   Payroll/Salary Guarantee

         94199   Budget Salary Reserves


         94200   Staff Benefits               Entry for staff benefits, % of


         94301   Engineering                  Engineering studies.

         94302   Work Info Ctr Services       Work order processing charges.

         94303   Public Services              Public Services shop charges.

                                                              94178   -     94304

11 WED.  03/26/97               CHART OF ACCOUNTS                         Page 11

                                                             SECTION 11 - EXPENSE

 2      GL CODE  TITLE                                   Definition of Code Usage

         94304   Planned Maint Allocation     Planned maintenance allocated

         94305   Maps & Records               Maps & Records service charges.

         94306   Fumehood Maintenance &       To record fumehood maintenance and
                     Repairs                  repairs performed by Facilities or
                                              services rendered by contractors

 1         MAINTENANCE

         94311   Lighting & Relamping         Relamping & electrical repairs.

         94312   Electric Power System        Wiring & elec. system repairs.

         94313   Exterior Painting

         94314   Interior Painting

         94315   Roofs and Drains             Roof & roof drain cleanout and

         94316   Plumbing

         94317   Heat, Ventilation & Air
                     Cond Systems

         94318   Steam Systems

         94319   Elevators

         94320   Fire and Security Alarm

         94321   Carpentry

         94322   Locksmithing & Security

         94323   Floor Covering

         94324   Glazing

         94326   Asbestos Removal/Abatement   Used to record asbestos removal
                                              services performed by O&M, or
                                              services rendered by asbestos
                                              removal contractors and/or
                                              consultant hygienists for
                                              monitoring the asbestos abatement

                                                              94304   -     94326

11 WED.  03/26/97               CHART OF ACCOUNTS                         Page 12

                                                             SECTION 11 - EXPENSE

 2      GL CODE  TITLE                                   Definition of Code Usage

         94329   Misc Building Maintenance
                     & Repair


         94331   Services Charge-Outs Only

         94332   Contract Custodial           Services contracted from vendors or
                     Services                 SHS

         94333   Building Pest Control        Insect and rodent control in

         94334   Trash Disposal


         94335   Edge Ground Cover

         94336   Edge Turf

         94337   Chemical Use (Weeds/Growth

         94338   Planting Trees/Shrubs

         94339   Annual Flower Care & Color

         94340   Irrigation Repair-Non PMI-
                     Demand Wk

         94341   Mowing Turf

         94342   Pruning Shrubs

         94343   Watering

         94344   Irrigation Repair-PMI Only

         94345   Weeding/Litter

         94346   Flail Mowing

         94347   Large Tree Work over 15

         94348   Tree Work under 15 Feet

         94349   Misc Grounds Duties

                                                              94329   -     94350

11 WED.  03/26/97               CHART OF ACCOUNTS                         Page 13

                                                             SECTION 11 - EXPENSE

 2      GL CODE  TITLE                                   Definition of Code Usage

         94350   Lawn Care-Other (Fertilize


         94351   Street Sweeping

         94352   Outdoor Pavement

         94353   Pavement Painting

         94354   Traffic Barriers

         94355   Signs

         94356   Outdoor Structures           Sculptures, kiosks, bike racks &
                                              sheds, fences, patios, etc.

         94357   Fountain Maintenance


         94361   Office Equip & Furniture

         94362   Classroom Furniture Repair

         94363   Other Furniture Repair

         94364   Moving/Rental

         94365   Vehicle Repair &             Operating costs of university
                     Maintenance              vehicles: repair, maintenance, gas,
                                              etc.  Depreciation is charged to

         94366   Electric Appliance Repair

         94367   Special Purpose Equipment    Research, medical, scientific or
                     Repair                   technical equipment (as defined by
                                              A-21) repair.

         94368   General Purpose Equipment    Repair of all other equipment.

         94369   Misc Equipment Repair &

                                                              94350   -     94369

11 WED.  03/26/97               CHART OF ACCOUNTS                         Page 14

                                                             SECTION 11 - EXPENSE

 2      GL CODE  TITLE                                   Definition of Code Usage


 1         MGMT USE ONLY

         94400   Capital Assets/Buildings     Construction codes - to be used
                                              only when asset is to be
                                              capitalized.  No direct expense.
                                              Used only by O&M projects (6SM) and
                                              Plant (div 4).

         94402   Basic Constr Contract        Primary construction contract (less
                                              equipment in contract).  Used only
                                              by O&M projects (6SM) and Plant
                                              (div 4).

         94404   Other Construction           Additional construction not
                                              included in primary contract.  Used
                                              only by O&M projects (6SM) and
                                              Plant (div 4).

         94405   Asbestos Removal             To record asbestos removal services
                                              performed by O&M or rendered by
                                              outside asbestos removal
                                              contractors. Used only by O&M
                                              projects (6SM) and Plant (div 4).

         94407   Prime Consultant             Prime consultant fees only.  Used
                                              only by O&M projects (6SM) and
                                              Plant (div 4).

         94408   Landscape Architectural      Landscape architectural fees only.
                     Fees                     Used only by O&M projects (6SM) and
                                              Plant (div 4).

         94409   Acoustic                     Acoustic consultants. Used only by
                                              O&M projects (6SM) and Plant (div

         94410   Soils Engineering            Soil investigation fees. Used only
                                              by O&M projects (6SM) and Plant
                                              (div 4).

         94411   Materials Testing            Concrete, steel and other testing
                                              fees .  Used only by O&M projects
                                              (6SM) and Plant (div 4).

         94412   Interior Designer            Interior design services. Used only
                                              by O&M projects (6SM) and Plant
                                              (div 4).

                                                              9440A   -     94412

11 WED.  03/26/97               CHART OF ACCOUNTS                         Page 15

                                                             SECTION 11 - EXPENSE

 2      GL CODE  TITLE                                   Definition of Code Usage

         94413   Construction Consultant      Construction advice and estimating
                                              during design and/or construction.
                                              Used only by O&M projects (6SM) and
                                              Plant (div 4).

         94414   Balancing (Mechanical        Balancing of ventilating systems.
                     System)                  Used only by O&M projects (6SM) and
                                              Plant (div 4).

         94415   Safety                       Safety engineer related to job site
                                              surveillance.  Used only by O&M
                                              projects (6SM) and Plant (div 4)

         94416   Other Professional           Misc. professional service.  Used
                     Services                 only by O&M projects (6SM) and
                                              Plant (div 4).

         94417   EIR Consultant               Consultant for preparing
                                              Environmental Inpact Report Used
                                              only by O&M (6SM) and Plant (div 4)

         94418   Survey                       Land survey related to construction
                                              site. Used only by O&M projects
                                              (6SM) and Plant (div 4)

         94419   Asbestos Consultants         To record services rendered by
                                              consultants/hygienists for the
                                              asbestos abatement process.  Used
                                              only by O&M (6SM) and Plant (div


                                                              94413   -     9442A

11 WED.  03/26/97               CHART OF ACCOUNTS                         Page 16

                                                             SECTION 11 - EXPENSE

 2      GL CODE  TITLE                                   Definition of Code Usage


       Definition of capital equipment:  Acquisition cost of $1,500.00 or more
       and useful life of two (2) years or more.  Acquisition cost is the
       vendor's invoice price of the equipment including sales tax, less any cash
       trade discounts and educational allowances, and includes the cost of
       initial installation (excluding in-house labor), and any modifications,
       attachments, accessories, or auxiliary apparatus  necessary to make it
       usable for the purpose for which it is acquired.  (The acquisition cost
       shall exclude ancillary  costs such as federal excise tax, duty,
       in-transit insurance and freight.  Use code 94671 for ancillary costs.)

       Note that certain items that we may think of casually as equipment do not
       meet this specific definition of equipment.  For example, you might think
       of a phone answering machine as equipment, but unless it costs at least
       $1,500 (and has a useful life of at least two years), it must be
       classified as non-capital equipment.  See 94622, 94623,94661,94662 and
       94663.  DEFINITION = Modifications to equipment made after the initial
       installation are classified as capital equipment if the modification costs
       => $1,500 and increases the value and/or useful life of the original

       Modifications made for the purpose of maintaining the value of a piece of
       equipment are generally not capitalized.  Modifications which do not meet
       the criteria for capitalization should be coded to 94624, "Modification -
       Equipment. "

         94420   Office Furniture & Equip-    Includes items such as desks,
                     Stanf Owned              safes, furniture or other office
                                              equipment regardless of where

         94421   Scientific/Technical         Includes items such as microscopes,
                     Equip-Stanf Own          amplifiers, voltmeters,
                                              centrifuges, scanners, etc.,
                                              refrigerators, freezers used to
                                              store lab specimens used only for
                                              research, medical and other
                                              technical activities.

         94422   Vehicles-Light Stanford      Includes electric carts, scooters
                     Owned                    of all types, small riding
                                              lawnmowers, sedans, station wagons,
                                              couriers, 1/2 ton pickups, and any
                                              other small light duty vehicles.


                                                              9442A   -     94423

11 WED.  03/26/97               CHART OF ACCOUNTS                         Page 17

                                                             SECTION 11 - EXPENSE

 2      GL CODE  TITLE                                   Definition of Code Usage

         94423   Modular Furniture Stanford   Includes office partition furniture
                     Owned                    and modular work units.  Does not
                                              include tagged office furniture
                                              which use the Furniture Code

         94424   Vehicles-Heavy Stanford      Includes larger size pickups,
                     Owned                    trucks, vans, clubwagons, trailers,
                                              and any other heavy duty vehicles.

         94425   Shop Machinery & Tools-Lt.   Includes general purpose machinery
                     Stanf Own                and equipment such as lathes,
                                              milling machines, bandsaws,
                                              grinding machines, metal benders
                                              and any other shop machinery.

         94426   Laboratory Fab Equip-No      Costs totalling $1,500 or more for
                     I/C_Stan own             parts and materials used to
                                              fabricate a piece of special
                                              purpose equipment (excludes
                                              Stanford /Non-Stanford labor
                                              charges). Non-Stanford labor or
                                              subcontract for purchase of
                                              fabricated equipment from an
                                              outside vendor should be charged to
                                              94640 or 94644.  Excluded from MTDC
                                              base Not subject to indirect cost

         94427   Computer Equipment           Includes all items used in
                     Stanford Owned           automatic data processing or
                                              computing such as central
                                              processing units, magnetic tape
                                              drives, disk/drum storage units,
                                              terminals, printers and any other
                                              peripheral or auxiliary equipment.
                                              Also included are word processing
                                              systems. (Software packages from an
                                              outside vendor are not capital
                                              equipment.  Use 94628 for separate
                                              software purchases.)

         94428   General Purpose Equipment    Includes all items which meet the
                     Stanf Own                capitalization criteria but do not
                                              fall into any of the other capital
                                              equipment classifications.


                                                              94423   -     94429

11 WED.  03/26/97               CHART OF ACCOUNTS                         Page 18

                                                             SECTION 11 - EXPENSE

 2      GL CODE  TITLE                                   Definition of Code Usage

         94429   Data Handling Equip, Ex      Includes items such as typewriters,
                     Computers                calculators, adding and accounting
                                              machines, copiers, FAX, audiovisual
                                              and duplicating equipment. (Word
                                              processing systems are not
                                              included.)..Stanford Owned

         94430   Equip Gifts (Aux &           Used to record gifts of equipment
                     Svc.Cntr) Stf Own        for auxiliaries and service centers
                                              that need to be isolated as
                                              nondepreciable for the purpose of
                                              the indirect cost recovery.

         94431   Equipment Gifts Stanford     Used to record gifts of equipment.

         94432   Appreciable Equipment        Used to record gifts of equipment
                     Gifts Stanf Ow           that appreciate in value Such items
                                              include gifts of valuable musical
                                              and scientivic instruments whose
                                              market value will increase with
                                              time, and need to be isolated and
                                              nondepreciable for the purpose of
                                              the indirect cost recovery and
                                              financial statements.  Do not use
                                              this code in conjunction with gifts
                                              of art work as Stanford does not
                                              book gifts of Art.  Purchases of
                                              Art work should use GL code 94625

         94439   Proceeds-Disposition Cap     Includes the value received, net of
                     Eq. Stf Own              any disposal costs, for any capital
                                              equipment item sold, traded in,
                                              scrapped or otherwise disposed of.
                                              This is normally a credit
                                              (reduction) to a department's


         94440   Office Equip & Furn-Non-     See above definition for 94420.
                     Stanf Owned

         94441   Scientific/Tech Equip-Non-   See above definition for 94421.
                     Stanf Own

         94442   Vehicles-Light Non-Stanf     See above definition for 94422.

                                                              94429   -     94443

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 2      GL CODE  TITLE                                   Definition of Code Usage

         94443   Modular Furniture-Non        Includes office partition furniture
                     Stanford Owned           and modular work units.  Does not
                                              include tagged office furniture
                                              which use the Furniture Code

         94444   Vehicles-Heavy Non-Stanf     See above definition for 94424.

         94445   Shop Machinery & Tools-Non   See above definition for 94425.
                     Stanf Own

         94446   Laboratory Fab Equip-Non     See above definition for 94426.
                     Stanf Owned

         94447   Computer Equipment-Non-Stf   See above definition for 94427.

         94448   General Purpose Equip-Non-   See above definition for 94428.
                     Stf Owned

         94449   Data Handling Equip, Ex      See above definition for 94429.


         94450   Monographs-Domestic          Restricted to function 3.

         94451   Monographs-Foreign           Restricted to function 3.

         94452   Monographs-Retrospective     Restricted to function 3.

         94453   Serials-Domestic             Restricted to function 3.

         94454   Serials-Foreign              Restricted to function 3.

         94455   Serials-Retrospective &      Restricted to function 3.

         94456   Monographs Received on SO-   Restricted to function 3.

         94457   Monographs Received on SO-   Restricted to function 3.

         94458   Nonprint-Microforms          Restricted to function 3.

         94459   Nonprint-Other               Restricted to function 3.


                                                              94443   -     94459

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 1         USE ONLY

         94460   Carpets/Drapes               Used only by O&M projects (6SM) and
                                              Plant (div 4).

         94464   Bulk Equipment &             Used for purchases of equipment
                     Furnishings              where cost per item is less than
                                              $500 and 25 or more of the same
                                              item are purchased on one
                                              requisition.  Used only by O&M
                                              projects (6SM) and Plant (div 4)


         94465   Project Management Fee       A fee for in-house project
                                              management.  Used only by O&M
                                              projects (6SM) and Plant (div 4).

         94466   Engineering Fees             Used only by O&M projects (6SM) and
                                              Plant (div 4).

         94467   Facilities Procurement Fee   Used only by O&M projects (6SM) and
                                              Plant (div 4).

         94468   Constr Administration Fee    Used only by O&M projects (6SM) and
                                              Plant (div 4).

         94469   Jr Project Manager Fee       Used only by O&M projects (6SM) and
                                              Plant (div 4).

 1         USE ONLY

         94470   Insurance                    Owners risk insurance during
                                              construction. Used only by O&M
                                              projects (6SM) and Plant (div 4).

         94471   Plan Check and Permit Fees   County and city fees for plans
                                              review/checking; construction
                                              permit fees (gen., fire marshal
                                              m/e/p).  Used only by O&M projects
                                              (6SM) and Plant (div 4).

         94472   Medical Center Plans         To pay for on-site plans review for
                     Review                   OSHPD.  Used only by O&M projects
                                              (6SM) and Plant (div 4)


                                                              9446A   -     94475

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         94475   Suspended Charges            Pre-planning costs prior to budget
                                              confirmation and project
                                              authorization.  Used only by O&M
                                              projects (6SM) and Plant (div 4).

         94476   University Architect Fee     A fee for in-house University
                                              Architect. Used only by O&M
                                              projects (6SM) and Plant (div 4).

         94477   Co-op Student Fee            A fee for in-house Co-op Student
                                              Intern.  Used only by O&M projects
                                              (6SM) and Plant (div 4).

         94478   Project Coordinators         A fee charged for in-house project
                                              works performed by Project
                                              Coordinators.  Used only by O&M
                                              projects (6SM) and Plant (div 4)

         94479   Administrative Costs         Miscellaneous administrative costs
                                              such as site clearance costs,
                                              replacement parking, etc. Used only
                                              by O&M projects (6SM) and Plant
                                              (div 4).


         94480   Moving Expense (New          Includes moving occupants,
                     Occupants)               furnishings, library books and
                                              special equipment.  Used only by
                                              O&M projects (6SM) and Plant (div

         94481   Telephone/Data Startup       Costs associated with installation
                                              of all telephone and related
                                              equipment.  Used only by O&M
                                              projects (6SM) and Plant (div 4).

         94482   Keys & Locks                 Purchase and installation of keys
                                              and locks for purpose of rekeying a
                                              building.  Used only by O&M
                                              projects (6SM) and Plant (div 4)

         94483   O & M Startup                Costs due to design or construction
                                              deficiencies not assignable to
                                              consultant or contractor Used only
                                              by O&M projects (6SM) and Plant
                                              (div 4)


                                                              94475   -     94484

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         94484   Initial Cleaning/Window      Cleaning performed outside of O&M
                     Washing                  shops. Used only by O&M projects
                                              (6SM) and Plant (div 4).

         94485   Dedication Ceremonies        Purchase and installation of donor
                                              plaques, special identification
                                              signs not in construction contract.
                                              Used only by O&M projects (6SM) and
                                              Plant (div 4)

         94486   Building Commissioning       On going coordination with
                                              Facilities operations.  Used only
                                              by O&M projects (6SM) and Plant
                                              (div 4)

         94489   Activation Costs             Miscellaneous activation costs.
                                              Used only by O&M projects (6SM) and
                                              Plant (div 4).


         94491   GPI Pro Rata                 Used only by Plant (div 4).

         94492   Replacement Parking

         94493   GPI (Hospital Projects)      Used only by Plant (Div 1)

         94499   Other Project Costs          Miscellaneous other costs.  Used
                                              only by O&M projects (6SM) and
                                              Plant (div 4).


                                                              94484   -     94499

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 2      GL CODE  TITLE                                   Definition of Code Usage


   Stanford University's policy on travel is explained in Administrative Guide
   Memo 36.7.  Definition is also provided by A-21, section J.48.

   <.B+>Definition of Travel Costs <.B->
   Travel costs are the expenses for transportation, lodging, subsistence, and
   related items incurred by employees who are in travel status on official
   business of the institution.  See Guide Memo 36.7.

   Costs incurred by employees and officers for travel, including the costs of
   lodging, other subsistence, and incidental expenses, shall be considered
   reasonable and allowable only to the extent such costs do not exceed charges
   normally allowed by the institution in its regular operations as a result of
   an institutional policy and the amounts claimed under sponsored agreements
   represent reasonable and allocable costs.  See Guide Memo 36.7R.

   <.B+>Methods of Reimbursement<.B->

   Travel costs may be charged on an actual basis, on a per diem or mileage basis
   in lieu of actual costs incurred, or on a combination of the two, provided the
   method used is applied to an entire trip and not to selected days of the trip,
   results in reasonable charges and is in accordance with the institution's
   travel policy and practices consistently applied to all institutional travel

   <.B+>Air Travel Costs<.B->

   OMB Circular A-21 limits allowable air fare to the lowest available fare and
   describes allowable exceptions.

   Specific criteria used to determine whether travel arrangements meet
   Stanford's allowable air fare guidelines:
       o Leaves or arrives within a 1-hour window on each side of the
         traveler's desired departure or arrival time
       o Allows the traveler to choose airports
       o Is a nonstop flight if requested by the traveler
       o Does not include charter flights unless requested by the traveler
       o Does not require staying over Saturday night unless requested
         by the traveler
       o Does not include circuitous routing if a stopover is required
       o The class is reasonably adequate for medical needs of the traveler

       <.B+>NOTE:  Many departments have more restrictive policies, which <.B->
              <.B+>take precedence.<.B->

   All Stanford staff/faculty members traveling on business are encouraged to
   travel at the lowest available air fare.

   Whenever possible, the traveler should select the most economical flight

                                                              94530   -     94530

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   available.  The most economical flight includes restricted and promotional air
   fares provided this is reasonable given the traveler's schedule and potential
   need to change tickets.  Such air fares incur a penalty if tickets are
   cancelled or changed.  When a change of flight is unavoidable, the resulting
   penalty may be charged to an allowable general ledger code and to government
   sponsored projects.

   If different airlines offer flights that meet the traveler's needs and the
   traveler selects the more expensive flight, then the difference between the
   lowest allowable air fare and the one selected must be coded to an unallowable
   general ledger code and may not be charged directly or indirectly to
   government sponsored projects.

   If a traveler incurs charges in excess of the maximum allowable criteria
   listed above, the difference (up to coach fare) must be charged to an
   unallowable general ledger code and would not be chargeable as a direct or
   indirect charge to a government sponsored project.  Stanford policy does not
   permit reimbursement of fares in excess of coach; when a traveler prefers a
   higher class, then the traveler pays the incremental difference.

   On international flights of eight hours or more, Stanford permits
   reimbursement of business class fare if it enables the traveler to perform the
   business purpose of the trip and the traveler is on a tight schedule.
   Because federal guidelines allow only the lowest available fare, the
   difference between coach class and business class fare should be coded to
   Foreign Travel - Unallowable (94539) and the amount of the coach class fare
   should be coded to Foreign Travel - Allowable (94531).

   Visitors to the University should follow the same travel guidelines as
   employees.  Under some special circumstances, it may be necessary and
   appropriate to pay for business or first class travel in order to meet the
   requirements of visitors (such as a Head of State).

   Contact the Travel Office, x3-4070 or 3-9771, on any travel related questions.

   <.B+>Examples of Unallowable Travel Costs<.B->

    * Trustees' travel costs regardless of the purpose of the trip.

    * Trustees' subsistence costs whether travel related or not.

    * Travel costs incurred for an unallowable activity (e.g., fundraising,
   lobbying, etc. ).  NOTE: Generally, these costs will be charged to unallowable
   University accounts that are designated as supporting this unallowable
   activity.  Because these travel costs are being charged to UNALLOWABLE
   ACTIVITY ACCOUNTS, an allowable general ledger code should be used, unless the
   travel costs exceed the lowest available commercial discount airfare (as
   described above).

    * Moving expenses if the employee voluntarily leaves Stanford within 12

                                                              94530   -     94530

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 2      GL CODE  TITLE                                   Definition of Code Usage

   months of the relocation.  Contact the Travel and Reimbursement section of the
   Controller's Office for instructions on handling this situation.

    * Alcoholic beverages and entertainment costs.  These are unallowable,
   whether travel-related or not.  See 94599.

         94530   Domestic Travel -            Costs of general travel, conference
                     Allowable                meetings, meals, registration fees
                                              and related costs, trip mileage.
                                              CAUTION: See definition of travel
                                              and discussion regarding
                                              unallowable travel above. See also
                                              94538. Ref:  A-21; J.48.

         94531   Foreign Travel - Allowable   Used to record foreign travel.
                                              Foreign travel consists of any
                                              travel outside of Canada and the
                                              United States and its territories
                                              and possessions.  CAUTION: See
                                              discussion regarding unallowable
                                              travel above. See also 94539
                                              (Foreign Travel - Unallowable).
                                              Ref:  A-21;  J.48.

         94532   Patient Travel               Costs of domestic travel for
                                              patients or organ donors.

         94533   Moving Expense -             Moving expense for an employee who
                     Unallowable              voluntarily leaves Stanford within
                                              12 months after hire is
                                              unallowable.  Refer to travel
                                              discussion above.  See also 94535.
                                              Ref:  A-21; J.37.  See Guide Memo

         94534   Trainee Travel               Costs of foreign or domestic travel
                                              for trainees and their dependents.
                                              Subject to indirect costs
                                              (considered a form of student aid).
                                              Used by sponsored projects only


                                                              94530   -     94535

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 2      GL CODE  TITLE                                   Definition of Code Usage

         94535   Moving Expense - Allowable   Cost of faculty/staff moving.
                                              Reportable for tax purposes; social
                                              security number required.  CAUTION:
                                              Certain costs may be unallowable,
                                              including excessive costs or the
                                              unreimbursed costs of employees who
                                              voluntarily leave within 12 months
                                              of move. Refer to travel discussion
                                              above. See also 94533.  Ref:  A-21;
                                              J.37.  See Guide Memo 36.8.

         94536   Travel - Non-SU Employee     Reimbursed allowable domestic
                                              travel expenses for individuals who
                                              are not Stanford University
                                              employees or students, such as
                                              consultants, guests, or recruits.
                                              Receipts required. This is an
                                              optional code that may be used in
                                              place of 94530 (Domestic Travel -
                                              Allowable). See also 94530, 94531,
                                              94538, 94539 and 94640.

         94537   Participant Costs - NSF      Participant support costs on
                     Grants                   National Science Foundation grants
                                              only.  Direct costs for items such
                                              as stipends, subsistence or travel
                                              allowances and registration fees
                                              paid to participants (but not
                                              employees) in connection with
                                              meetings, conferences, symposia or
                                              training projects. Do not use for
                                              Stanford University employees.

         94538   Domestic Travel -            Domestic travel when unallowable,
                     Unallowable              including travel and subsistence
                                              costs of trustees, regardless of
                                              the purpose of the trip.  See
                                              discussion relating to unallowable
                                              travel above.  See also 94530. Ref:
                                              A-21; J.50.

         94539   Foreign Travel -             Foreign travel when unallowable,
                     Unallowable              including travel and subsistence
                                              costs of trustees, regardless of
                                              the purpose of the trip.  See
                                              discussion relating to unallowable
                                              travel above.  See also 94531. Ref:
                                              A-21; J.50.


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                                                             SECTION 11 - EXPENSE



   When coding expense for rented/leased items, consider whether the item fits
   the definition of capital equipment.  (Capital equipment is defined as items
   with an  acquisition cost of $1,500 or more and a useful life of two years or
   more.)  All noncapital rented/leased items MUST be coded to 94546 or 94547.

         94542   Rental Space - Not Subj to   Off-campus rented facilities
                     Ind Costs                (space) and extended rental of
                                              departmental space.  Not subject to
                                              indirect costs.  CAUTION: This code
                                              is to be used for ongoing
                                              facilities rental. Do not use for
                                              one time rental charges.  See

         94546   Rent - Gen Purpose Non       Includes rental of general purpose
                     Capital Items            items valued at less than $1,500 or
                                              having a life of less than 2 years.
                                              Includes office equipment and
                                              furnishings (e.g., phones, fax
                                              machines, etc.) automatic data
                                              processing equipment and
                                              duplicating equipment See also

         94547   Rent-Spec Purpose Non        Includes rental of laboratory or
                     Capital Items            other technical items valued at
                                              less than $1,500 or having a life
                                              of less than 2 years.  Includes gas
                                              cylinders and other items which are
                                              related to research, scientific,
                                              medical, instructional or other
                                              technical activities See also 94546

         94548   Rent - Modular Building      Rented/leased modules and trailers.
                     (Capital)                Not subject to indirect costs.

         94553   Rent/Computers (Capital      Rentals/leases of computers. Not
                     Items)                   subject to indirect costs.

         94554   Rent/Computer-Peripherals    Rentals/leases of computer
                     (Capital)                peripherals.  Not subject to
                                              indirect costs.

         94555   Rent/Copy Machine (Capital   Rentals/leases of copy machines.
                     Items)                   Not subject to indirect costs.

                                                              94540   -     94556

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         94556   Rent/Equipment - Other       Rentals/leases of general
                     (Capital)                equipment.  Not subject to indirect

         94557   Rent/Lab Equip - Research    Rentals/leases of research
                     (Capital)                laboratory equipment.  Not subject
                                              to indirect costs.

         94559   Rent/Returnable Containers   Rentals/leases of returnable
                     (Capital)                containers.  Not subject to
                                              indirect costs.

         94560   Rent/Terminals (Capital      Rentals/leases of terminals. Not
                     Items)                   subject to indirect costs.

         94561   Rent/Word Processing Equip   Rentals/leases of word processing
                     (Capital)                equipment.  Not subject to indirect

         94573   Stanford Communications      Stanford Communication Services use
                                              only.  Charges for all Stanford
                                              calls included in the local area
                                              rate and monthly service charges
                                              and non-specifically identifiable
                                              telecom project costs such as data
                                              lines,conduit, wiring, etc.  Grants
                                              or contracts may be charged
                                              directly only if the telecom
                                              service or equipment meets th e
                                              following criteria: 1) specifically
                                              identified with the project 2)
                                              explicity listed in the approved
                                              proposal budget 3) not specically
                                              disallowed in the award notice and
                                              4) is significant to the
                                              performance of the project rather
                                              than convenient

         94574   Billable Calls               Stanford Communications Services
                                              use only Billable telephone calls,
                                              including fax when using a long
                                              distance authorization code or
                                              purchasing the service, telex,
                                              cables, video conference, etc

         94575   Guarantee Z Bonus            For use by Medical School only

         94576   Prior Year's Bonus           For use by Medical School Only

                                                              94556   -     94577

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 2      GL CODE  TITLE                                   Definition of Code Usage

         94577   Current Year Non-Guarantee   For use by Medical School only

         94578   Incentive Bonus              For use by Medical School only


         94580   Salaried Staff               Overseas Studies Program use only.
                                              Salaries for regular foreign staff.

         94581   Taxes/Benefits               Overseas Studies Program use only.
                                              Taxes and benefits on regular
                                              foreign staff (charged to staff
                                              benefits pool).

         94582   Fees for Outside Teachers    Overseas Studies Program use only.
                                              Honoraria, fees for outside

         94583   Taxes on Non-Regular         Overseas Studies Program use only.
                     Teachers & Othr          Foreign taxes charged to OSP
                                              operating budget (not staff
                                              benefits pool).

         94584   Student Bills                Overseas Studies Program use only.
                                              Medical/other expenses incurred by
                                              students to be rebilled through
                                              Network for Student Information

         94585   Faculty Support              Overseas Studies Program use only.
                                              Rent, utilities, telephone,
                                              shipping, furnishing expenses
                                              incurred by visiting faculty.

         94586   GF Support of Student        Overseas Studies Program use only.
                     Costs                    Approved support of partial
                                              overseas living costs.

         94587   Exchange Gain/Loss           Overseas Studies Program use only.

         94588   Center Special Projects      Overseas Studies Program use only.
                                              Inauguration, symposium, special
                                              field trip expenses.


                                                              94577   -     94588

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                                                             SECTION 11 - EXPENSE


   ENTERTAINMENT:  Entertainment costs, as defined by A-21, Section J.15, are
   costs incurred for amusement, social activities, entertainment and any items
   relating thereto, such as meals, lodging, rentals, transportation  and
   gratuities.  Typical examples of entertainment costs would include tickets to
   entertain a visiting lecturer, donor or prospective donor at sporting events,
   theater tickets, concerts, cover charges, tips, etc.  Entertainment costs are
   treated the same as alcoholic beverages, always unallowable.  NOTE:  Certain
   costs incurred on behalf of Stanford University employees (that are in
   accordance with Stanford University established policy  and practice, see
   Guide Memo 36.4.1.a.(6)) which relate to the improvement of working
   conditions, employer-employee relations, employee morale and employee
   performance are allowable by A-21, Section J.14 (see 94598, Employee Morale).

         94591   Professional                 Costs of membership in civic
                     Memberships/Dues-Allow   business, technical and
                                              professional organizations. NOTE:
                                              Stanford University will not pay
                                              for Stanford Faculty Club dues, or
                                              social or travel club memberships
                                              (see Guide Memo 36.4). CAUTION:
                                              Certain dues are unallowable, see
                                              94592. Ref:  A-21; J.28

         94592   Other Membership             Includes unallowable membership
                     Fees/Dues-Unallow        fees and dues, such as social,
                                              dining and country club dues.
                                              Generally, membership fees and dues
                                              that are unallowable according to
                                              A-21 are also not permitted by
                                              Stanford University; however,
                                              certain exceptions do exist.
                                              Contact the Travel and
                                              Reimbursement section of the
                                              Controller's Office for further
                                              information before using this code.
                                              Faculty Club dues are not
                                              reimbursable by Stanford
                                              University.  See also 94591.  Ref:
                                              A-21; J.28.

         94593   Employee Recruitment -       Reasonable costs of recruiting,
                     Allowable                including advertising, aptitude
                                              testing programs, etc.  CAUTION:
                                              Certain recruitment expenses are
                                              unallowable, see 94594. Ref:  A-21;

                                                              94588   -     94594

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 2      GL CODE  TITLE                                   Definition of Code Usage

         94594   Employee Recruitment -       For example, recruitment
                     Unallowable              advertising in publications which
                                              costs more due to use of color
                                              printing, inclusion of advertising
                                              material for other than
                                              recruitment, or excessive size.
                                              ("Reasonable" recruitment costs
                                              should be "Employee Recruitment -
                                              Allowable"). See also 94593. Ref:
                                              A-21; J.37.

         94595   Severance - Bargaining       Human Resources use only. Payment
                     Unit                     of severance to bargaining unit
                                              employees. See also 94596.  Refer
                                              to Administrative Guide Memo 22.8.
                                              Ref:  A-21; J.43.

         94596   Severance - Non-Bargaining   Human Resources use only. Payment
                     Unit                     of severance to non-bargaining unit
                                              employees. See also 94595.  Refer
                                              to Administrative Guide Memo 22.8.
                                              Ref:  A-21; J.43.

         94597   Payroll Special              Payroll Office use only. Payment of
                                              special payroll items such as
                                              faculty early retirement plan
                                              payments, central housing allowance
                                              program payments, etc.

         94598   Employee Morale              Costs incurred in accordance with
                                              Stanford University established
                                              practice or custom for the
                                              improvement of working conditions,
                                              employer-employee relations,
                                              employee morale and employee
                                              performance. Includes costs of
                                              employee awards, recognition,
                                              flowers, house publications,
                                              recreational activities, employee
                                              counseling services, food at
                                              retirement parties, etc.  CAUTION:
                                              Alcoholic beverages are always
                                              unallowable and must be separately
                                              recorded in 94599. All employee
                                              morale expenses must be in
                                              conformance with Stanford
                                              University Policy. See Guide Memo
                                              36.4. Ref:  A-21; J.14.

                                                              94594   -     94599

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 2      GL CODE  TITLE                                   Definition of Code Usage

         94599   Alcoholic Beverages or       All alcoholic beverages and
                     Entertainment            entertainment expenses are always
                                              unallowable.  See discussion
                                              regarding entertainment expenses.
                                              Ref:  A-21; J.15.

         94600   Housing-Unallowable          Payroll Office Use Only!

         94601   Tuition at Stanford          Human Resources use only. Tuition
                                              grant program for faculty/staff
                                              children. See also 94602 and 94609.

         94602   Tuition - Out of State       Human Resources use only. Tuition
                     Schools                  grant program for faculty/staff
                                              children at institutions "out of
                                              state". See also 94601 and 94609.

         94603   Staff Training Tuition       Enrollment fees for staff training
                     Fees                     courses.  See also 94605 (Staff
                                              Training Supplies) and 94629
                                              (Conference Fees).

         94604   Community Fees               Human Resources use only. Used by
                                              tuition grant program for
                                              faculty/staff children.

         94605   Staff Training Supplies      Supplies and materials purchased
                                              for use in staff training courses.
                                              See also 94603 (Staff Training
                                              Tuition Fees).

         94606   Board and Room               Participant cost (housed either on
                                              or off campus - excludes stipends).
                                              If cost involves travel or moving
                                              expenses, use 94530-94539.

         94607   Employee Gifts-Taxable       Replaces G/L 94959

         94609   Tuition at California        Human Resources use only. Tuition
                     Schools                  grant program for faculty/staff
                                              children at institutions "in
                                              state". See also 94601 and 94602.



                                                              94599   -     94610

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 2      GL CODE  TITLE                                   Definition of Code Usage

         94610   Departmental Supplies and    General material, general stores
                     Expenses                 and miscellaneous expenditures,
                                              except when separate recording
                                              desired. Must not be used for
                                              unallowables.  See discussion of

         94611   Laboratory Supplies and      Laboratory materials and supplies,
                     Expense                  except chemicals and  gases, and
                                              special purpose material except
                                              when separate recording is desired.
                                              See also 94622 and 94623 for
                                              separate recording and 94632 for
                                              chemicals and gases

         94612   Books and Publications -     Purchase of books, subscriptions,
                     Non Library              journals (excluding Stanford
                                              University libraries' catalogued
                                              items). See also account 94618.

         94613   Postage and Freight          Stamps, express charges, cartage,
                                              freight, mailing services.  See
                                              also 94630.

         94614   Field Trips                  Field trip costs under grants and
                                              contracts expenditures involving
                                              some travel, and various other
                                              costs, whenever such expenditures
                                              benefit a group of people.  (For
                                              travel expenditures in which each
                                              individual's cost of travel is
                                              clear, use 94530-94539.)

         94615   Photocopy-Excl Stanf         Xerox, multilith, duplicating not
                     Publication Svc          provided by Stanford Publication
                                              Services. CAUTION:  Expense should
                                              be reviewed to ensure only
                                              allowable costs are charged to this
                                              account.  Certain advertising and
                                              promotional materials are
                                              unallowable and must be recorded
                                              separately. See 94594, 94630,
                                              94646, 94667 and 94668.  Ref: FAR
                                              31.3 (9).

         94616   Films, Slides, Audiotapes
                     - Excl SPS

         94617   Photo Microscopy

                                                              94610   -     94618

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                                                             SECTION 11 - EXPENSE

 2      GL CODE  TITLE                                   Definition of Code Usage

         94618   Reprints                     See also account 94612 (excluding
                                              Stanford University library).

         94619   Laundry                      Cleaning and washing expenses
                                              associated with Stanford University
                                              property only.

         94620   Surplus Property Sales-Not   Includes the value received, net of
                     Cap Equip                any disposal costs, for any
                                              noncapital equipment item sold,
                                              traded in, scrapped or otherwise
                                              disposed of. This is normally a
                                              credit (reduction) to a
                                              department's expenditures.  For
                                              sale of capital equipment, use
                                              account 94439.

         94621   Tools                        Cost of tools.  Must be less than
                                              $500 or have a useful life of less
                                              than two years.  NOTE: Tools
                                              costing =>$500 and having a useful
                                              life of =>2 years are capital
                                              equipment. See also 94425 or 94445.

         94622   Special Purpose Noncapital   (All Non-Sponsored Purchases<$1,500
                     Items                    and Sponsored Purchases<$500) Cost
                                              of items which are not capital
                                              equipment, such as hand held
                                              analyzers, refrigeration units,
                                              etc. which are limited to research,
                                              scientific, medical, instructional
                                              or other technical activities.  See
                                              discussion of equipment.  See also
                                              94611, 94661, 94662 and 94623.
                                              ref. A-21, J.16

         94623   General Purpose Noncapital   (All Non-Sponsored Purchases<$1,500
                     Items                    and Sponsored Purchases<$500) Cost
                                              of general purpose items which are
                                              not capital equipment, such as air
                                              conditioning units, furnishings,
                                              answering machines, etc. See
                                              discussion of equipment.  See also
                                              94611, 94661, 94662, and 94622.
                                              Ref A-21, J.16


                                                              94618   -     94624

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                                                             SECTION 11 - EXPENSE

 2      GL CODE  TITLE                                   Definition of Code Usage

         94624   Modification - Equipment     Cost of equipment modifications
                                              which cost less than $1,500 or
                                              which do not improve the
                                              performance or life of the

         94625   Art and Other-Unallowable    Used for purchases of Art work and
                                              related items not allowed for
                                              indirect cost recovery purposes.
                                              Do not use this code in conjunction
                                              with gifts of Art work as Stanford
                                              does not book gifts of Art

         94626   Procurement of Lab Animals   For DLAM use only.  Included in

         94627   Lab Fabricated Equip         Costs that total or will total
                     Components               $1,500 or more for parts and
                                              materials used to fabricate a piece
                                              of special purpose equipment
                                              (excludes Stanford/Non- Stanford
                                              labor charges). Non-Stanford labor
                                              should be charged to 94640 or
                                              94644. Fabricated items must be
                                              transferred to 94426 or 94446 when
                                              completed.  Refer to discussion of
                                              fabricated equipment in the
                                              Stanford University Property
                                              Administration Manual.

         94628   Computer Software Programs   Computer software packages
                                              purchased from vendors.

         94629   Conference Fees              Fees which relate to conferences,
                                              workshops or continuing education
                                              when not associated with travel. If
                                              traveling, use codes 94530 - 94539.
                                              See also Staff Training Tuition
                                              Fees (94603). Ref:  A-21; J.28.

         94630   Report Costs                 Used only by sponsored projects to
                                              record the costs of supplies and
                                              expenses for the production of
                                              sponsor required reporting.
                                              Printing, photocopy, mailing, etc.
                                              costs should be included. See also


                                                              94624   -     94631

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                                                             SECTION 11 - EXPENSE

 2      GL CODE  TITLE                                   Definition of Code Usage

         94631   Food                         Includes working meals, other food
                                              purchased for work, bottled water,
                                              etc.  Meals purchased when
                                              traveling should be coded as Travel
                                              (94530 - 94539). CAUTION:  1. All
                                              trustee's food costs are
                                              unallowable and must be coded under
                                              "Domestic Travel - Unallowable"
                                              (94538).  2. All alcoholic
                                              beverages or entertainment costs
                                              must be coded separately under
                                              "alcoholic beverages or
                                              entertainment" (94599).  See also
                                              94598 Employee Morale

         94632   Chemicals and Compressed     Includes all grades of chemicals
                     Gases                    and trade name products that
                                              contain a hazardous material as
                                              defined by federal, state or local
                                              regulation.  All compressed gases
                                              must be ordered using this GL Code.
                                              Use GL code 94611 when purchasing
                                              radioactive materials, nucleotides
                                              (e.g., RNA and DNA containing
                                              materials), peptides (e.g., amino
                                              acids and proteins), growth media,
                                              controlled substances, restriction
                                              enzymes, or biological organisms.
                                              If in doubt, use GL Code 94632 for
                                              the material or product

         94633   Designated Services

         94635   Prizes to Others (Non-SU


                                                              94631   -     94636

11 WED.  03/26/97               CHART OF ACCOUNTS                         Page 37

                                                             SECTION 11 - EXPENSE

 2      GL CODE  TITLE                                   Definition of Code Usage

         94636   Prof/Tech Services-          Professional or technical fees,
                     Allowable-Direct         including consulting, legal and any
                                              other allowable professional/
                                              technical fees.  Social Security
                                              Number required for individuals;
                                              Taxpayer Identification Number is
                                              needed for partnerships. CAUTION:
                                              1. For Stanford University
                                              employees, honoraria must be
                                              charged to a 941XX G/L code.  2.
                                              Costs of legal, accounting, and
                                              consulting services, and related
                                              costs, incurred in connection with
                                              the defense or prosecution of
                                              certain criminal, civil and
                                              administrative proceedings, claims,
                                              appeals and patent infringements
                                              are unallowable (unless otherwise
                                              provided for in the sponsored
                                              agreement).  See also 94536, 94640,
                                              94649, and 94666. Ref: A-21; J.32.

         94637   DLAM Services for Non-Fed    For DLAM use only.  Excluded from
                     Sponsors                 MTDC

         94638   DLAM Direct Services-        For DLAM use only.  Excluded from
                     Sponsored Proj           MTDC.  Animal care charges
                                              including per diem, veterinary
                                              services, lab fees, etc

         94639   Stanford Conference Office   Used only by Stanford Conference
                     Services                 Office to record the costs of
                                              supplies and expenses incurred on
                                              behalf of conferences guests
                                              Includes housing, food service,
                                              damages, parking permits, lost
                                              keys, meeting rooms, linen rental,
                                              typewriter rental, photo- copying,
                                              maps, porters, etc.  Must not be
                                              used by Stanford staff attending
                                              conferences (see 94629)


                                                              94636   -     94640

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                                                             SECTION 11 - EXPENSE

 2      GL CODE  TITLE                                   Definition of Code Usage

         94640   Professional/Tech            Professional or technical fees,
                     Services-Allowable       including consulting, legal and any
                                              other allowable professional/
                                              technical fees.  Social Security
                                              Number required for individuals;
                                              Taxpayer Identification Number is
                                              needed for partnerships. CAUTION:
                                              1. For Stanford University
                                              employees, honoraria must be
                                              charged to a 941XX G/L code.  2.
                                              Costs of legal, accounting, and
                                              consulting services, and related
                                              costs, incurred in connection with
                                              the defense or prosecution of
                                              certain criminal, civil and
                                              administrative proceedings, claims,
                                              appeals and patent infringements
                                              are unallowable (unless otherwise
                                              provided for in the sponsored
                                              agreement).  See also 94536, 94649,
                                              and 94666. Ref: A-21; J.32.

         94641   Patient Care - Not SUH or    Patient care services provided by
                     CH@S                     other than Stanford University
                                              Hospital. Not subject to indirect
                                              costs. See also 94642

         94642   Patient Care SUH or CH@S -   Patient care services provided by
                     No I/C                   Stanford University Hospital only.
                                              Not subject to indirect costs. See
                                              also 94641.

         94643   Subcontract or Subgrant      Used only by a sponsored project.
                                              subcontract/subgrant costs up to
                                              and including the first $25,000 of
                                              the subcontract or subgrant.  Must
                                              be authorized by contracting
                                              officer. Costs greater than $25,000
                                              should be charged to 94649.
                                              Purchasing normally designates
                                              these agreements by the prefix BU
                                              or PR.  Refer to Research Policy
                                              Handbook section 3. Subject to
                                              indirect costs. See also 94640 and


                                                              94640   -     94644

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                                                             SECTION 11 - EXPENSE

 2      GL CODE  TITLE                                   Definition of Code Usage

         94644   Temporary Services           Costs of nonemployee help (Manpower
                                              Inc., etc.).  For Consulting use
                                              94640 (Professional/Technical
                                              Services - Allowable).

         94645   Stanford Publication         Stanford Publication Services use
                     Services                 only.  Charges for printing, layout
                                              and other services provided by
                                              Stanford Publication Services, when
                                              not agency report costs. See also

         94646   Printing Services-Excl       Printing, excluding Stanford
                     Stanf Pub Svc            Publication Services, when not
                                              agency report costs.  See also
                                              94615, 94630, 94645,94668 and 94669

         94647   Service Center Charges       Stanford University service center
                                              charges except where other more
                                              specific codes exist.  Must not be
                                              used for expenditures which are
                                              otherwise unallowable. See also
                                              94645, 94650, 94660, etc.

         94648   Nursing Staff Service - No   SUH nursing salaries on National
                     I/C                      Institutes of Health (NIH) grants.
                                              Not subject to indirect costs.

         94649   Subcontract or Subgrant -    Controller's Office use only. Used
                     No I/C                   only by a sponsored project.
                                              subcontract/subgrant costs in
                                              excess of the first $25,000 of the
                                              subcontract or subgrant.  The first
                                              $25,000 should be charged to 94643.
                                              Not subject to indirect costs. See
                                              also 94640 and 94643.  Refer to
                                              Research Policy Handbook, Section

         94650   Stanford                     Stanford Communication Services use
                     Telecommunications       only.  Charges for Stanford
                                              telephone and data lines, long
                                              distance, telex, conduit, wiring,
                                              etc. For any other
                                              telecommunication expense see
                                              94659.  Ref:  A-21; J.7.


                                                              94644   -     94651

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                                                             SECTION 11 - EXPENSE

 2      GL CODE  TITLE                                   Definition of Code Usage

         94651   Utilities                    Direct billings from utility
                                              companies and utilities rebilled by
                                              Facilities and Services and Medical
                                              School facilities.  Note:  Use
                                              94659 for reimbursement of employee
                                              telephone expense.

         94652   Electricity                  Direct billings from utility
                                              companies and rebilled by
                                              Facilities and Services.

         94653   Natural Gas                  Direct billings from utility
                                              companies and rebilled by
                                              Facilities and Services. NOTE:
                                              Automotive gasoline should be
                                              charged to 94672, or 9453X travel

         94654   Steam                        Direct billings from utility
                                              companies and rebilled by
                                              Facilities and Services.

         94655   Water                        Direct billings from utility
                                              companies and rebilled by
                                              Facilities and Services. NOTE: Do
                                              not use for bottled water (use
                                              94631).  See also 94658.

         94656   Sewer                        Direct billings from utility
                                              companies and rebilled by
                                              Facilities and Services.

         94657   Leland Services              For DCCS use ONLY!
                                              comments=Requested by Frederick

         94658   Chilled Water                Direct billings from utility
                                              companies and rebilled by
                                              Facilities and Services. NOTE:  Do
                                              not use for bottled water (use
                                              94631).  See also 94655.

         94659   Telecommunications           Reimbursement of employee
                                              telecommunication bills when usage
                                              is for business purposes.  Any
                                              other appropriate
                                              telecommunications charges.  Not
                                              for Stanford Communication Service.
                                              See also 94650. Ref:  A-21; J.7.

                                                              94651   -     94660

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                                                             SECTION 11 - EXPENSE

 2      GL CODE  TITLE                                   Definition of Code Usage

         94660   Stanford Data Center         Information Resources - Stanford
                     Services                 Data Center use only. Includes
                                              computing and production services
                                              and supplies.

         94661   Special Purpose Non          $500 to $1,499 (Sponsored Project
                     Capital Items            Use Only) Includes items which are:
                                              a) used only for research, medical,
                                              scientific, instructional or other
                                              technical activities, AND b) with
                                              an acquisition cost of $500 to
                                              $1,499 and useful life of two (2)
                                              years or more.  Examples include:
                                              gas cylinders, refrigeration units
                                              and other technical equipment which
                                              is not capital equipment.  Included
                                              in MTDC.  Not subject to indirect
                                              costs NOTE:  Must not be used for
                                              items costing less than $500 or
                                              with useful lives of less than two
                                              years.  See also

         94662   General Purpose Non-         $500 to $1,499 (Sponsored Project
                     Capital Items            Use Only) Includes general purpose
                                              items with an acquisition cost of
                                              $500 to $1,499 and useful life of
                                              two (2) years or more.  Examples
                                              include:  office equipment and
                                              furnishings (e.g., phones, fax
                                              machines, etc.), duplicationg
                                              equipment and automatic data
                                              processing equipment which is not
                                              capital equipment.  Included in
                                              MTDC.  Not subject to indirect
                                              costs.  NOTE:  Must not be used for
                                              items costing less than $500 or
                                              with useful lives of less than two
                                              years.  See also 94622, 94623,
                                              94661 and 94663


                                                              94660   -     94663

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                                                             SECTION 11 - EXPENSE

 2      GL CODE  TITLE                                   Definition of Code Usage

         94663   Laboratory Fabricated Non-   Includes aggregate costs totaling
                     Cap Equip                between $1,000 and $1,499 for parts
                                              and materials used to fabricate a
                                              piece of special purpose equipment
                                              (excludes Stanford/Non-Stanford
                                              labor charges). Non-Stanford labor
                                              should be charged to 94640 or
                                              94644.  Non- sponsored fabrications
                                              in this range should be charged to
                                              other expense GL codes as
                                              appropriate.  Included in MTDC.
                                              Not subject to indirect costs.
                                              NOTE:  Must not be used for
                                              fabrications costing less than
                                              $1,000 or with useful lives of less
                                              than two  years

         94664   Programming                  Outside contracts.

         94665   Incineration                 Environmental Safety Facility
                     Service/Hazardous        charges, including incineration and
                     Waste                    hazardous waste disposal.  Also
                                              includes radioactive waste

         94666   Professional Services -      Use after consultation with
                     Unallowable              Controller's Office , GCRS
                                              section,only. Costs of legal,
                                              accounting and consulting services,
                                              and related costs, incurred in
                                              connection with the prosecution of
                                              claims against the government or of
                                              patent infringement litigation. See
                                              also 94640. Ref: A-21; J.32.


                                                              94663   -     94667

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                                                             SECTION 11 - EXPENSE

 2      GL CODE  TITLE                                   Definition of Code Usage

         94667   Advertisg-Not Employee       Advertising costs needed for the
                     Recruit-Allow            procurement of goods and services
                                              or the disposal of scrap and
                                              surplus materials.  May be used for
                                              allowable informational notices.
                                              CAUTION:  if the notic e is
                                              promotional in nature, uses color
                                              printing or is excessive i n size,
                                              then the "Advertising Other Than
                                              Recruitment - Unallowabl e" G/L
                                              code should be used.  Also may be
                                              used for any advertising
                                              specifically required by a
                                              sponsored agreement.  CAUTION:  See
                                              also 94593, 94594, 94668. Ref:
                                              A-21; J.1

         94668   Advertisg-Not Employee       Advertising costs, other than for
                     Recruit-Unall            employee recruitment are generally
                                              unallowable with the exception of
                                              those enumerated in 94667. See also
                                              94667 and 94669. Ref:  A-21; J.1.

         94669   Promotional Materials -      Stanford University memorabilia,
                     Unallowable              promotional brochures, etc. are
                                              generally unallowable.  Memorabilia
                                              given to employees as employee
                                              morale should be coded to 94598
                                              (employee morale). NOTE -
                                              Informational brochures are
                                              allowable and should not be charged
                                              to this G/L Code.  See also 94615,
                                              and 94646. Ref:  FAR 31.3 (9).


         94670   Charges to/from Other        Credits and charges of allocated
                     Departments              costs.  Use this code to record the
                                              credit or charge for an expense
                                              allocation that covers expenses in
                                              several general ledger codes.
                                              (When the expense is in a single
                                              general ledger code, credit or
                                              charge that code directly.) Service
                                              centers must use codes 940XX.

         94671   Ancillary Costs of Capital   Federal excise tax, duty,
                     Equipment                in-transit insurance and freight.
                                              See capital equipment definitions.

                                                              94667   -     94672

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 2      GL CODE  TITLE                                   Definition of Code Usage

         94672   Automotive Expense           Repair and maintenance expenses and
                                              gasoline costs relating to Stanford
                                              University-owned vehicles only. Not
                                              to be used for mileage
                                              reimbursement of private
                                              automobiles.  See also 94530.

         94673   F & S Management             Limited to Facilities and Services
                                              charge out.

         94674   Human Subjects               Payment of fee to a human subject
                                              in a research project. Stanford
                                              employees used as human subjects
                                              must be reimbursed through the
                                              payroll system.

         94675   Bond Issuance Cost           Controller's Office use only.
                                              Underwriting, legal fees,
                                              accounting fees, etc. relating to
                                              issuance of bonds.

         94676   Interest - External          Controller's Office use only. Must
                     Allowable                be approved by government in
                                              advance.  For interest on equipment
                                              costing $10,000 or more funded from
                                              external source;  or for building
                                              construction funded from external
                                              borrowing for buildings completed
                                              on/or after July 1, 1982.  See also
                                              94677.  Ref:  A-21; J.22.

         94677   Interest - External          Controller's Office use only. For
                     Unallowable              interest on equipment costing less
                                              than $10,000, for interest on
                                              external borrowing for buildings
                                              completed prior to July 1, 1982 or
                                              for interest not approved by the
                                              federal government.  See also
                                              94676. Ref:  A-21; J.22.

         94678   Interest - Internal          Controller's Office use only. For
                     Unallowable              internal interest charged --
                                              expendable fund pool rate,
                                              long-term rate or accounts
                                              receivable rate.  Ref: A-21; J.22.

         94679   Insurance                    Ref:  A-21; J.21.


                                                              94672   -     94680

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                                                             SECTION 11 - EXPENSE

 2      GL CODE  TITLE                                   Definition of Code Usage

         94680   Other Taxes                  Controller's Office use only. Use
                                              this code to record real and
                                              personal property taxes and other
                                              taxes assessed by Federal, State
                                              and local authorities.  NOTE:  Do
                                              not use for sales, use or excise
                                              taxes.  Sales and use tax should be
                                              included in the cost of the goods
                                              purchased. Excise tax on personal
                                              phone use paid back to Stanford
                                              University is recorded on G/L Code
                                              51741.  Ref:  A-21; J.46.

         94681   Institutional Allowance      Controller's Office use only To
                                              record institutional allowance
                                              dollars only on fellowships

         94682   Insurance Claims Paid

         94683   Depreciation                 Controller's Office use only. All
                                              depreciation, automotive and other.
                                              Ref:  A-21; J.12.

         94684   Bad Debt                     Controller's Office use only.
                                              Always an unallowable cost. Ref:
                                              A-21; J.4.

         94685   Computer Usage - Not Stanf   Fees for computer usage, not
                     Data Ctr                 Stanford Data Center. Does not
                                              include rental of computer
                                              equipment.  See also 94553, 94554,
                                              94560 and 94561.

         94686   SLAC Services - No           Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
                     Indirect Costs           services.  Not subject to indirect

         94687   Distribution of Indirect     Controller's Office use only.

         94688   Supplemental Research        Payments made by Stanford
                     Support                  University for research not on
                                              behalf of the University and
                                              reportable for income tax purposes
                                              for US citizens. Must be
                                              non-Stanford University employee or
                                              non-Stanford University student.
                                              Requires LA6 and 1042s for
                                              nonresidents. Unallowable.  Ref:
                                              A-21; J.41.

                                                              94680   -     94688

11 WED.  03/26/97               CHART OF ACCOUNTS                         Page 46

                                                             SECTION 11 - EXPENSE

 2      GL CODE  TITLE                                   Definition of Code Usage

         94689   SLAC SPECIAL                 USE FOR ONE TIME YEAR END ENTRY TO
                                              RECORD SLAC ACTIVITY

         94690   Facility Usage               Charges for use of University
                                              facilities by another University
                                              department (e.g., usage of Buck
                                              Estate, Tressider meeting rooms,
                                              etc.) as well as charges for use of
                                              facilities off campus (i.e.,
                                              Holiday Inn meeting rooms, etc.).

         94691   Transfer of Construction     For transfering construction costs
                     Costs                    collected in division IV Plant
                                              Project accounts to other divisions

         94692   Check Processing and         Controller's Office use only.
                     Handling Fee             Charges for "will call" checks.

         94693   Fines and Penalties          All fines and penalties resulting
                                              from violations of, or
                                              noncompliance with, Federal, State
                                              and local laws and regulations.
                                              Unallowable. NOTE: Parking tickets
                                              are not reimbursable by Stanford
                                              University.  See Administrative
                                              Guide Memo 36.4.1.c.  Ref: A-21;

         94694   Donor Funded Incremental     Development Office use only.
                     Expense                  Unallowable.  Ref:  A-21; J.22.

         94695   Repayment of Departmental    Controller's Office use only. For
                     Advances                 principal portion only of debt

         94696   Termination of Contract-     Controller's Office use only. For
                     Unallowable              unallowable sponsored project
                                              contract termination costs.  Ref:
                                              A-21; J.49

         94697   Student Program Support      Support of non-Stanford programs in
                                              which Stanford University students
                                              are academically involved (i.e.,
                                              ASSU, off-campus programs). Do not
                                              use for Stanford University
                                              programs which have a University
                                              account number. (Transfer funds

                                                             94689   -    94698

11 WED.  03/26/97               CHART OF ACCOUNTS                       Page 47

                                                           SECTION 11 - EXPENSE

 2      GL CODE  TITLE                                 Definition of Code Usage

         94698   Damages, Co-Payments &       Used to record damages not covered
                     Deductibles              by University insurance.

         94699   Debt Allocation            For year-end capitalization of debt
                                            financed plant projects Plant
                                            Accounting use only


         94700   Budget Graduate
                     Aid/General Studies

         94701   Prizes, Grad Students or
                     Post Docs

         94702   Food Research

         94703   Grad Special

         94704   Education-Business

         94705   School of Business

         94706   Education

         94708   Combined Admission Mode

         94709   Pre-Engineering

         94710   Aero & Astro

         94711   Chemical Engineering

         94712   Civil Engineering

         94713   Electrical Engineering

         94714   Applied Mechanics

         94715   Engineering Science

         94716   Earth Systems

         94717   Industrial Engineering

         94718   Materials Science

         94719   Mechanical Engineering

                                                              94698   -   94720

11 WED.  03/26/97               CHART OF ACCOUNTS                       Page 48

                                                           SECTION 11 - EXPENSE

 2      GL CODE  TITLE                                 Definition of Code Usage

         94720   Engineering-Economic

         94721   Operations Research

         94722   Engineering

         94723   Scientific Computing &
                     Comp Math

         94724   Developmental Biology

         94725   Molecular & Cellular

         94726   Biophysics

         94727   Applied Physics

         94728   Anthropology

         94729   Architecture

         94730   Art

         94731   East Asian Studies

         94732   Asian Languages

         94733   Tokyo-Taipei Ctr-Non         Non-Stanford students
                     Stanford Stu

         94734   Human Biology

         94735   Biological Sciences

         94736   Chemistry

         94737   Classics

         94738   Communication

         94739   Economics

         94740   English

         94741   International Policy

         94742   Latin American Studies

                                                             94720   -    94742

11 WED.  03/26/97               CHART OF ACCOUNTS                       Page 49

                                                           SECTION 11 - EXPENSE

 2      GL CODE  TITLE                                 Definition of Code Usage

         94743   History

         94744   Humanities                   FORMERLY DELETED 9/1/95 - GL IS
                                              HARD-CODED IN NSI TABLE, BASED ON
                                              RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT CODE.  NO
                                              OTHER GLS IN THIS SERIES SEEM TO
                                              HAVE BEEN DELETED, SO I'M
                                              RE-OPENING THIS ONE FOR A SINGLE
                                              ENTRY.   SYW
                                              4/29/96......REQUESTED BY KRISTIN
                                              MISCAVAGE, NSI, ON BEHALF OF THE

         94745   Mathematics

         94746   French

         94747   EES/OR

         94748   German

         94750   Russian and East European

         94751   Slavic Lang & Literature

         94752   Spanish

         94753   Linguistics

         94754   Music

         94755   Philosophy

         94757   Physics

         94758   Political Science

         94759   Psychology

         94760   Religious Studies

         94761   Epidemiology

         94762   Modern Thought and

         94763   Sociology

                                                              94743   -   94764

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                                                           SECTION 11 - EXPENSE

 2      GL CODE  TITLE                                 Definition of Code Usage

         94764   Geological & Environmental

         94765   Speech-Drama

         94766   Statistics

         94767   Computer Science

         94768   African & Afro-American

         94769   Comparative Literature

         94770   School of Law-Graduate

         94772   MBA-LLB Program

         94773   Cancer Biology

         94774   Anatomy

         94775   Health Service

         94776   Biochemistry

         94777   Genetics

         94778   Medical Microbiology

         94779   Pharmacology

         94780   Physiology

         94781   Immunology

         94782   Adv Degree Professor-Med

         94783   MD Program-Medicine

         94785   Non-Degree Tuition-Other

         94787   Medical Information

         94788   Speech & Hearing Sciences

         94789   Neurological Sciences

         94790   Geology

                                                              94764   -   94790

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                                                             SECTION 11 - EXPENSE

 2      GL CODE  TITLE                                   Definition of Code Usage

         94791   Tuition, Non-matric

         94792   Geophysics

         94793   Document Fees                For aid applied to Document Fees

         94794   Applied Earth Sciences

         94795   ASSU Fees

         94796   Foreign Student Health

         94797   Non-Degree Tuition-Medical   Tuition or registration fees for
                                              non-degree seeking students

         94798   Petroleum Engineering

         94799   Fellowship Stipends, Non-


         94801   Freshman

         94802   Sophomore

         94803   Junior

         94804   Senior

         94806   High School Students

         94807   Nonmatriculated

         94808   Work-Study Transfers

         94809   Parent Loan Program          Eliminated at year-end

         94810   PLP Supplement

         94811   Tax Reportable Stipend-

         94899   Department Athletics


                                                            94791   -     94899

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                                                           SECTION 11 - EXPENSE

 2      GL CODE  TITLE                                 Definition of Code Usage


         94980   Indirect Costs               Machine generated entry for
                                              indirect costs

         94981   Animal Care Indirect Costs   On DLAM Direct Services (see G/L

         94982   Infrastructure Charge

         94983   Utilities Charge


                                               9498A   -     9499A